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Referrals & Admissions Criteria


We only proceed with an admission after completing a detailed Viability Assessment (including an assessment of compatibility with existing families and our ability to support each individual’s needs).

It is always best to liaise with us about a potential referral well in advance of a placement being required.  This allows effective planning and coordination and allows us to prioritise planned referrals over those that may be received later (and where another family has already been offered a placement).

We can admit families on a pre-birth basis in order to complete teaching and assessment prior to their baby being born.

We only accept referrals formally from a Local Authority, but welcome enquiries about our services from solicitors and barristers on behalf of families seeking placements.

Admission Criteria

We can potentially support a range of individuals and families, including:

– Families with babies up to 3 years old at the time of admission (or where the baby is due to be born soon).

– Single parents and/or couples.

– Young parents (over 16) with no previous parenting experience. *

– Individuals who have had a previous child removed from their care.

– Individual(s)

  • who have had a previous child removed from their care.
  • who may have low self-esteem or confidence in their ability as a parent.
  • who have learning needs or a learning disability.
  • have had, or currently have, mental health issues.
  • have a history of unsecure or unstable housing.
  • have themselves had experience of being looked-after.
  • may have experienced domestic violence.
  • may have a history of substance and/or alcohol misuse issues.
  • who require support for their gender identity.

 * We recognise that if supporting parents under the age of 18 years, there will be additional considerations given their unique status both as a parent and child in their own right.

We are able to offer a range of assessments including Parenting Assessments and CUBAS Assessments.


If you have a potential referral, please contact our Service Coordinator, Carys, on enquiries@pfp.org.uk or call us on 01656 337 955 on any weekday between 9.00am and 5.00pm.


Please contact enquiries@pfp.org.uk or call us on 01656 337 955 for our next available admission date.


Do you accept emergency / short-notice admissions?

Emergency placements (defined as an admission within 24 hours of a referral) are not accepted.  This is because we must complete a comprehensive Viability Assessment prior to an admission (to ensure we can meet their assessed needs as a family and that the family is compatible with existing families).

Do we accept admissions where there is no need for a Parenting Assessment?

There may be occasions, where Ty Seren admits a family who do not require a parenting assessment from PfP during their stay where the wellbeing of the family is promoted by a residential family centre placement.  Examples of situations where this might be the case include:

  • If the parenting assessment requires a highly specialist parenting assessor.
  • If the parenting assessment has already been started with another Social Worker, but it has been identified a residential placement is required.
  • If a positive parenting assessment has already been completed and further teaching and monitoring is required or there is a need for ongoing monitoring and support until such time as additional reports (e.g. psychology) are obtained.

The nature of the placement at Ty Seren and reports completed by PfP on these occasions, will be agreed with the PLA and outlined in the Viability Assessments.

Are you able to support individuals with more complex needs?

We welcome the opportunity to discuss with a Local Authority any specific needs from a placement.  We will never proceed with an admission unless we are confident we understand, and are able to meet, their needs.

We have experience of having provided placements for a wide range of parental needs including:

  • individuals with a learning disability.
  • a trans parent.
  • a parent with limited English (as a foreign national) who has also been supported by a translator.
  • a young parent (aged 16 and over).